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The dynamic Waddenzee – Jointly organised symposium by HSB and DHyG
In February an inspiring event took place which was jointly organised by the Hydrographic Society Benelux (HSB) and the German Hydrographic Society (DHyG). Members of both societies travelled to the island of Terschelling for a two-day workshop packed with presentations on the profession, standards and of course local surveying as the ever-moving seafloor of the Wadden Sea has been the subject of research.
- Ausgabe: HN 101 Seite: 42–43
- DOI: 10.23784/HN101-09
- Autor/en: Rob van Ree
Einen Peso für jede hydrographische Karte
In Juan Gabriel Vásquez’ Roman Das Geräusch der Dinge beim Fallen kommt alles zusammen. In den verschiedenen Zeit- und Handlungsebenen des Buchs geht es um den Drogenhandel in Kolumbien, einen Mord, einen Flugzeugabsturz und um vieles mehr. Noch zudem kommen am Rande stereoskopische Luftaufnahmen vor und sogar eine hydrographische Karte wird erwähnt.
- Ausgabe: HN 101 Seite: 40–41
- DOI: 10.23784/HN101-08
- Autor/en: Lars Schiller
»With the IFHS Student Award we have a true world championship« – An academic discussion with Rob van Ree
Rob van Ree works as a senior lecturer at the Maritime Institute Willem Barentsz (MIWB) on Terschelling, where he is in charge of the hydrography course. In addition to this fulltime job he is chairman of the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies. Of course, the Dutchman is an active member of the Hydrographic Society Benelux (HSB), but surprisingly he is also a member of the German Hydrographic Society (DHyG). He is well-known for his interesting comments and questions at conferences after each and every presentation. No wonder he comes up with inspiring and incisive answers in this interview.
Maritime Institute Willem Barentsz | hydography course | education | Category A | IFHS | HSB
- Ausgabe: HN 101 Seite: 34–39
- DOI: 10.23784/HN101-07
- Autor/en: Rob van Ree, Lars Schiller
Hydrography Summer Camp 2014
To gain practical experiences, the HafenCity University (HCU) Hamburg offers a project week named ›Hydrography Summer Camp‹ to third semester Hydrography students. This event was integrated into the lectures so that the students can apply and realise all the knowledge they have gained during the last semesters. The following report introduces the tasks and experiences of the students during the Hydrography Summer Camp 2014 as well as the achieved results.
HCU | Hydrography Summer Camp | bathymetry | sediment thickness | survey | wrecks | USV | OpenROV
- Ausgabe: HN 101 Seite: 30–32
- DOI: 10.23784/HN101-06
- Autor/en: Tina Kunde
Student research project in the North Sea
Within the ›Women Professor Program‹, a part of the program line ›Academic Qualification Position‹, two students of the HafenCity University Hamburg got the possibility to perform a 15-months research project. Planned as an analysis of sedimentation processes based on long-term multibeam and sub-bottom profiler surveys in Friedrichskoog, the prevailing conditions required a modification of the project after five months of preparation. The following report introduces the adjusted project realised in Büsum with the support of the Research and Technology Centre West Coast (FTZ) as well as the achieved results.
HCU Women Professor Program | multibeam echo sounder | sub-bottom profiler | wreck detection
- Ausgabe: HN 101 Seite: 28–29
- DOI: 10.23784/HN101-05
- Autor/en: Tina Kunde, Johanna Simon