Special tasks are handled by working groups and task forces. Working groups exist on a permanent basis; working groups are formed for temporary projects. The results of their work are published regularly.
WG „Hydrographic news“
The task of the working group is the regular publication of the association's organ - the Hydrographic news. Three issues of this only German-language journal for hydrography and geoinformation are published each year. Die Redaktion wird geleitet von Lars Schiller.
WG „Hydrographic Days“
The task of the working group is the planning and organization of the Hydrographic Days. Every year the DHyG organizes a Hydrographic Day at changing venues. The working group is headed by Lutz Christiansen.
WG „Certification Council“
The DHyG awards the seal "DHyG-Accredited Hydrographer". The Certification Council has developed the criteria that an applicant must meet in order to be allowed to use this title. Today, the task of the Certification Council is to assess new applications and to accompany a certification procedure. The contact person is Hannes Lutter.
AK „Website“
The task of the working group is to look after the dhyg.de website and social media (LinkedIn). Christian Maushake coordinates the activities. The webmaster is Tobias Knapp.
AK „Autonomous systems“
The aim of the working group is to clarify which hydrographic information is required in the age of autonomous transport. The working group is in the process of being established; interested parties can contact the office.