Within the framework of Saudi Arabia establishing a hydrographic office (HO) meeting the SOLAS requirements, a 24-months project was launched in 2014 to develop hydrographic data management as necessary technical infrastructure. The author, who was involved with the definition of the project and later on serving as advisor to the contractor, describes the objectives, structure and results of the project. Particular emphasis was on integrating bathymetry, hydrography and, as far as possible, oceanography into a single system supported by fully developed Quality Management and Work Flow Management. For final quality assurance, an independent company was hired who awarded high ratings for the outcomes of the project.
Autor/en: Within the framework of Saudi Arabia establishing a hydrographic office (HO) meeting the SOLAS requirements, a 24-months project was launched in 2014 to develop hydrographic data management as necessary technical infrastructure. The author, who was involved with the definition of the project and later on serving as advisor to the contractor, describes the objectives, structure and results of the project. Particular emphasis was on integrating bathymetry, hydrography and, as far as possible, oceanography into a single system supported by fully developed Quality Management and Work Flow Management. For final quality assurance, an independent company was hired who awarded high ratings for the outcomes of the project. Hydrographic Office | hydrographic data management | workflow management | quality assurance
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