Ems-Dollart estuary – Did Germany and the Netherlands really agree on the disputed boundary recently?
»Germany and the Netherlands settled a dispute regarding the border in the Ems estuary which endured for centuries. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Bert Koenders signed the respective treaty.« This or similar headlines could be read in the newspapers in autumn 2014. It gives the impression that finally a border between the two countries has been agreed upon in that area. In fact, the treaty consolidates the contrary. But although both partners agree that they don’t agree on that boundary, they found another pragmatic solution which fits in the line of treaties in the Ems-Dollart area and which fixes substantial and for practical matters particularly important aspects. This solution is yet another example of the excellent and pragmatic cooperation between the Netherlands and Germany.
Ems-Dollart estuary | boundary delineation | UNCLOS | Law of the Sea | talweg | EEZ | Borkum Riffgat